Nicola Taggart

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Calm the Chaos Tip: Internal vs. External Pressure

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It’s not unusual to feel pressure to do more and achieve more. Life & Leadership Coach Nicola Taggart explains the differences between internal and external pressure. One can spur you on as a motivator and the other weighs you down. This video will give you actionable check-ins for how to identify the differences and point out how to make pressure work for your overall benefit.  You’ll also learn the relationship fear has to the pressures we feel.



Nicola Taggart is a personal and professional development strategist, coach, and speaker. Her brilliance is in inspiring and leading others to take ownership of their life, choices, and happiness. By learning how to slow down and redefine success and balance—from the inside out—others are empowered to experience more freedom and fulfillment in all areas of their life and shed feelings of chaos and overwhelm. Nicola is the author of the Calm the Chaos Journal and Card Deck available at Amazon, Target, and leading bookstores. Corporate clients and private clients are invited to reach out to her at