Nicola Taggart

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One of the top goals expressed by my coaching clients is learning to slow down and enjoy life more.

This is music to my ears because I am a coach who specializes in helping people calm the chaos (both internally and externally) so that they can feel more present and peaceful while enjoying what’s most important to them (in work and life).

I am not one of those coaches who pushes an agenda for achieving, accomplishing, or acquiring MORE.

Many of my clients would consider themselves high achieving and they’ve gotten where they are in life by pushing themselves, pleasing others, and always working towards the next accomplishment.

But when they find me, they share that doing this has left them feeling more down and depleted, and less successful and satisfied (especially these days). Although they may have the external definition of success, that’s not how they are feeling on the inside.

I’ll admit that I am constantly working on practicing what I preach, because the internal and external pressures to do more are strong ones for me, too!

That’s why today I am sharing with you five ways to help you slow down and enjoy life more, with some insight as to how I put those into practice for myself.

P.S. Don’t get me wrong. I do L-O-V-E supporting my clients in experiencing MORE of some things, like…inner peace, confidence, presence, connection, contentment, satisfaction, and time for the things and people that matter to them most!

1) Prioritize: Identify what is important to you and focus on those things. This may mean saying no to non-essential commitments or delegating tasks to others.

(I am currently in the process of doing this myself right now. I am doing my own coaching exercise to clarify and commit to my top values at this stage of life and align my attention and actions to support those more fully.)

2) Practice Mindfulness: Be present in the moment and pay attention to your surroundings. This can help you appreciate the small things in life and reduce stress and anxiety.

(This is a constant practice for me. Not only are there all the external distractions at play, but I also have a strong internal distraction from my active and anxious thoughts. I have to be very intentional about not attaching to the internal chatter and reminding myself to be present in the NOW.)

3) Take Breaks: Give yourself time to rest and recharge. Taking breaks can improve productivity and creativity while also reducing burnout.

(This one I know to be true, and I often use it throughout the day to help me manage my mental, emotional, and physical energy. I have learned that powering through is not usually the path to success for me. Taking a break when I feel myself getting distracted, frustrated, or stuck always shifts my energy and attitude, and I find the focus, clarity, or motivation I need.)

4) Simplify: Declutter your physical space and simplify your schedule. This can help you feel more organized and reduce feelings of overwhelm.

(I call this “adding white space” to your life, and I am a BIG believer in the power of this practice. Excessiveness diminishes our experience. This is true for stuff and activities. I build my schedule in a way that provides “white space” between activities so that I have some breathing room or down time between things, or have some leeway when my schedule gets off track. I also make it a practice to purge in small ways throughout the week. The less stuff I have around me, the more calm and relaxed I feel.)

5) Connect: Spend time with loved ones and cultivate meaningful relationships. This can provide a sense of belonging and happiness.

(This is a top priority for me these days. Our family was very isolated during the pandemic due to health reasons, and I am realizing that as a result I have become more of an introvert and homebody. There’s nothing wrong with this; in fact I am appreciating that side of me more. However, I also can feel my soul wanting to connect with people outside of my immediate family more. I know that meaningful relationships are a key component of enjoying life, and making time to spend with others in meaningful ways requires me to set aside the “to do” list and choose to be present.)

What about you? Leave a comment and let me know which of these you are going to focus on putting into practice more over the next month.