Embracing Celebration

There is much on my mind and a range of emotions this month between honoring the one-year anniversary of our dog dying, preparing for my daughter graduating from high school, celebrating my birthday, and finalizing details for my newest journal coming out next year.

With all of these things, I’ve been thinking about the idea of CELEBRATION and what this really means along with how I often feel awkward and uncomfortable in my ability to CELEBRATE both the little and big things in life (especially for myself).

Do you find yourself letting celebrations slip by without much, if any, acknowledgement? Keep reading because I’m inviting you to join me in observing your celebrations.

When we are young, we don’t hesitate to celebrate.

We embrace it.

We look forward to it.

We relish in it.

I could spend time digging into when and why this changed for me personally, but I’d rather reflect on how I can begin again to embrace CELEBRATING more in my life (and in the lives of those around me).

This reflection led me to this thought…

Gratitude is like a celebration with your soul,

acknowledging and appreciating what

IS GOOD in your life (no matter the size).

When we shift perspectives to this view, we see a way to easily find the gratitude in so much around us.

Join me in this gratitude practice

I’ve decided that I am going to give a little more energy to my gratitude practice by CELEBRATING the things I am grateful for with a Yay! and high-five with my soul! Here’s my list and then I’d like for you to create your Yay! List.

Yay, for the funny show we enjoy before bed (right now, it’s The Mindy Project, in case you were curious)!

Yay, for my comfortable, cozy bed!

Yay, for the book I am reading and enjoying!

Yay, for the years we got with our sweet Riley and all the memories we hold through pictures!

Yay, for my “little girl” getting off the waitlist of your first-choice college and seeing her excitement about this next stage!

Yay, for my latest fun project with my publisher coming together and looking great. (Can’t wait to be able to share more about this soon!)

Yay, for my husband getting the medical treatment he needs!

Yay, for the relationship I now have with my brother (a 180-degree difference from the past)!

Yay, for turning 48 years old today. (Still YEARS away from the BIG 5-0…as I like to remind my 50+ friends!)

Yay, for the cuddly cat!

Yay, for the sunshine after the rain!

Yay, for the amazing people I get to connect with every day through my work (which includes YOU)!

Wow, just Wow! I believe you, too, have an abundance of gratitude moments to celebrate. Let’s see if I’m right…grab your pen and paper, open your journal, or open a new doc on your computer and list them.

I am wondering what your relationship with CELEBRATION is?

Do you find it easy to celebrate yourself?

Do you find it easy to celebrate the good around you? The people around you?

Or do you need a little help, like sometimes I do??

Comment and let me know what you are celebrating this month! I want to join you in honoring this time.